Posted on: September 13, 2021 Posted by: Robert H. Miller Comments: 0
germinate chilli seeds

The process of germination is done by soaking the chilli seeds in water overnight. The optimal period for seed germination is from 12 hours to 36 hours. Once the time period gets over, place them on a paper towel before planting them in soil or some other growing medium.

Are chilli seeds hard to germinate? It is mainly because of the hard outer shell of chilli seeds that makes germination difficult. So to kill all the pathogens present on the outer surface, soak them overnight in warm water before planting.

How to germinate chilli seeds?

The basic requirements needed are some seeds, water, and a sterile medium to plant the seeds in. The sterilized medium could be any of your choices from the soil, sand to perlite, or vermiculite.

To get started with the process of germination is done by soaking the chilli seeds overnight in some water. The number of hours required for optimal seed germination is from 12 hours to 36 hours. The seeds are best planted once the time period is done, on a layer of moist paper towel.

Pour water into a small container and let it sit overnight so that the chlorine content dissipates. Chlorine can kill your seedlings or stunt their growth significantly. Once you have removed all traces of chlorine from the water, fill a growing tray with a medium to a depth of 1/4 inch. The seeds should be planted about 1/2-inch apart and covered by a thin layer of soil or other media. Keep them moist but not wet as it can cause rot.

Chili seedlings require lots of sunlight during their initial stage so it is advisable to place them in a warm bright place. Do not place them near cold drafts, heaters, or vents. The best temperature range for seedlings is between 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

The initial growth of the chilli seedlings can be sporadic with some reaching 6 inches within one week while others may take two weeks or more before they sprout.

After the first true leaves appear, you can move your seedlings to a slightly larger container. They need to be re-potted every two weeks so that they don’t grow into giants. But if they outgrow their pots too quickly, it is advisable to transplant them in soil blocks or peat pots so that they can be easily moved without disturbing the roots.

How long should you keep the seeds soaked?

Precisely 12 hours to 36 hours should be kept for soaking the seeds in warm water. After the given time period, the seeds should be placed on a paper towel before planting them in soil or another growing medium.

What is important to remember after germination?

After 12 hours to 36 hours of soaking the chilli seeds in warm water, they should be placed on a paper towel before planting them in soil or some other growing medium. An ideal temperature for germination is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Will the seeds germinate faster if you soak them in lukewarm water?

No, since chilli seeds need to be soaked in warm water, they mustn’t be kept submerged in lukewarm water for a longer time period. Also, remember that seeds tend to lose their vitality if they are kept submerged in water for a longer time period.

What happens after the 12 hours to 36 hours of soaking?

After 12 hours to 36 hours, place them on a paper towel before planting them in soil or some other growing medium. An ideal temperature for germination is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do store the seeds in between germination?

Chilli seeds mustn’t lose their vitality before planting them. So, keep them in a cool and dry place where they are protected from direct sunlight. This way the seeds can stay fresh for up to 6 months. Also, remember not to store chilli seeds in airtight containers, as germination may get affected. You may also like to read this article germinating seeds in paper towel in House I love.